Friday, February 8, 2008

Dad & Baby Phyllis

Believe it or not, this is me!  I did this right after I did an oil painting of Tammy (my wife) with Phyllis.  I guess I was kind of jealous and wanted one of me with her as well.  I was also just getting into exercising and felt kind of proud of the physique I was building.  I had seen several photos at the time with Dad's and baby's that kind of contrasted the male physique with the small softness of an infant.  I thought they were kind of cool - so I tried to do one like that of us.  Don't laugh at my hair - it was very much in style!  My kids tease me about it now.  And another thing - I DID have pants on.  It looks like I was naked, but I was not -so don't get any perverted ideas.  ;-)  I did like the way the lighting turned out.  And of course I think that Phyllis was very cute.  She was only a couple of months old.  (she's turning 16 now!)

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